View of an installation of the platform Culture & Democracy with white cubes printed with graphics.
© Johannes Gerstengarbe
13. Okt 2019

Platform Culture & Democracy

Culture Trail – Talk with live music

Typical? Creative artists are soloists. Their challenge: They need space for cultural interaction – best of all democratically won. We want to motivate Dresdeners not only to participate formally in a discussion, but also to play an active role in shaping a cultural path. The aim is to network existing cultural institutions with innovative impulses – not only on paper, but also in reality. Dresden can thus be experienced. Guests are given the task of navigating through a newly defined cultural landscape by smartphone. The object illustrates an initial implementation of the idea in the Johannstadt district. From 2020, the route is to be determined using software.

The Cultural Path Talk with live music will be moderated by Johannes Gerstengarbe and Stephan Wiegand.

Neue Heimat Platform

"How would you show a visitor from another European country the culture of your neighbourhood?" This is what our platform "Culture & Democracy" asks in its project, which it developed for the European Capital of Culture in 2019. The Dresdeners’ answers are to be used to create a cultural trail through the entire city by 2025, for locals and tourists alike. The "Culture & Environment" platform, on the other hand, is inviting people in the spring of 2020 to create a meadow atlas, a threatened wild plant with large yellow flowers, before the plants find a new home on the Elbe meadows. These are two of nine ideas from our platform process.

Cultural mediators speak of participation and sharing: Neue Heimat Dresden 2025 stands not only for culture for all, but culture with all. Our programme 2025 will consist of a curated part – developed by professional artists – and a non-curated part – designed by citizens. This year, 150 people have already worked on project ideas in nine thematic fields, which will now be presented to the public for the first time and implemented as prototypes in 2020.